A warm welcome!

Dr Adrian Cooper has been fascinated with wildlife and conservation since his early childhood. His academic background is within Geography where Adrian has specialized in the public engagement with conservation spaces in wilderness regions, coastal wetlands, and community-based conservation. In 1999, he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. In August 2023, Adrian was elected as a European Citizen Science Ambassador for the United Kingdom.                                                                                                                            

Regions of Interest: Scandinavia, Russia, Caribbean, Mediterranean and Antarctica.  All focused on:         

Systems Thinking in Practice           

Socio-Ecological systems            

Using R and Python code in data analysis and visualization                   

Geographical Information Systems                                                                      

Community-based conservation and Citizen Science                                                

Software Systems Project Management                                                                                     

Currently:                 Founder and Chair of Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve (2015 - present)    

                                  Founder and Chair of Felixstowe's Citizen Science Group (2018 - present)

Adrian's radio series, Sacred Nature won the Environment category of the 2009 Jerusalem Radio Awards. The judges described the series as 'an outstanding piece of broadcasting'.


Contact me (email)


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